Accountability is an outcome, a by-product of great leadership and management. Tough management (hard on the person) does NOT equal accountability.
ACCOUNTABILITY = Leadership + Management
Accountability is a by-product of doing leadership and management well. It results when Leadership provides clarity (your checklist):
- Vision.
- Priorities.
- Expectations.
It combines with Active Management (your checklist):
- Putting processes in place.
- Ensuring everyone’s roles are clearly defined.
- Setting standards with a discipline to execute (Feedback Loops) is in place.
The act of being a good leader (your checklist):
- Providing a compelling vision.
- Vision is where you are going.
- Compelling Vision is an exciting place that seems just outside the grasp of getting there yet intriguing enough to work hard to get there.
2. Providing clear direction.
- Setting priorities
- Clarifying Expectations in advance.
Actions of good management are the accumulated day-to-day actions of (daily checklist):
- Communicating.
- Setting clear expectations.
- Execution (measured with Feedback Loops against standards of performance).
Onward and Upward,
Steve Lounsberry