A Mental Framework for Learning
Perspectives in this interesting time for living.
- Getting the Restart Right!
In a recent podcast, IBM’s former CEO Ginny Rometty the pandemic has reinforced “the value of adaptability.” In the future, she added, the most important quality any worker can have is “the propensity to learn.”
- Seth Godin recent blog:
In any endeavor where there’s a reason to care about more information, more information is available. A lot more. It’s impossible to have read all the books, seen all the movies, heard all the songs.
Domain knowledge is required yet is no longer a sufficient competitive advantage because it’s widespread. After you do the reading, then what are you going to do?
Good judgment and a thoughtful point of view are now scarce assets worth seeking out.
What have you done with what you’ve learned?
RUBBER BAND MAN is a way to think about people – you, your family, colleagues and neighbors.
The Blue and Red Rubber Bands…The two most powerful emotions in humans are Desire and Fear.
- The Blue Rubber Band represents DESIRE – THE GREAT MOTIVATOR.
Desire is the emotion that pulls people forward toward what we want.
Stronger emotion in this direction is like creating more tension in a Rubber Band.
Emotional tension we create in the Blue Rubber Band propels us toward what we want.
- The Red Rubber Band represents FEAR – THE GREAT INHIBITOR.
Fear inhibits people’s behaviors (including learning) holding us back.
Stronger emotion in this direction (also like tension in a Rubber Band) pulls us away from what we want.
The way to reduce this type of tension is to reframe perceptions and “see in a different way”.
How can we help ourselves (and those around us) come out of this best?
- Learn the lessons the situation has given.
- Focus on what we want in the future.
- It is a matter of restructuring our thinking and our mental habits first.
- This takes time and effort.
How are you thinking about going forward?
Onward and Upward